
Discover my career

I'm Thibaud, a Data Scientist working in a retail firm's Data Factory. On a daily basis I work with Python and Azure on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects 🤖

Previously I've been working for a consulting firm for a large panel of clients such as in Transport Industry, Metal Indudstry or Public Sector. The key learning from this experience is that added value makes it all, and you get it right from the soon-to-be users of your applications. That's why I decided to join a team which works with end-users and has data sience industrialisation processes (MLOps) at the heart of its activities 👨‍💼

During my free-(coding)-time, on personal projects I also enjoy practicing my front-end skills to deserve my full-stack Data Scientist status 🧑‍💻

I truly believe that data is revolutionning our lives and the world we live in. This is the reason why I keep learning and certifying on diverse subjects, but also mentor Data Science students on a weekly basis, for OpenClassroom a french online course plateform 👨‍🏫